

Sterre der Zeeplein 12
A school for skippers' children was built in 1936 at the mountain harbor on the Juliana Canal. In 1944 an emergency church was set up in the ship Medea in the harbor and this gave rise to the idea for the architect Th. L. Oberndorff built Sschipperskerk. It was consecrated in December 1949 by Bishop Lemmens, ad salutem navigantium: for the salvation of the sailors, as the first stone at the entrance states. It was a multifunctional space, which temporarily housed a boarding school for skippers' children from 1956 to 1969. In 1969 a separate boarding school building was built, the current Havenstube.

The church was withdrawn from worship in 1999. Apart from the architecture, however, a stained glass window by Varpu Spronken-Tikanoja depicts the water procession, as it was held in the harbor in the 1950s, recalls the religious function. The Knops-Heffels family acquired the church and established a flower arranging workshop there. In 2012, artist Marieke Russel and her husband Pierre Coumans bought the church, moved into the rectory and turned the Schipperskerk into a gallery and a stage for creative activities.
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