The lifelines of Sittard-Geleen

Which of the lifelines will you follow first?

In Sittard-Geleen we celebrate life and we are happy to share that with our guests so that you too can enjoy Limburg’s ‘savoir vivre’. Underpinned by 7,000 years of history, we aim to share our myriad of life stories, for example, with the aid of walking and cycling trails that bring you to undiscovered treasures. We aim to immerse you in our cultural extravaganza and reveal our innovative successes.

7,000 years of history

Did you know Sittard-Geleen is one of the oldest inhabited regions in the Netherlands? Excavations have uncovered artefacts used by prehistoric farmers of the Linear Pottery culture, around 5250 BC. Since that time, many more events of significance have taken place, about which innumerable epic tales can be told. After periods of Spanish, Austrian, French, Belgian and German occupation, Sittard-Geleen only became officially Dutch in 1867. Once, the town had the most modern coalmine in Europe, witnessed the last witch trials in the Netherlands and became world news after the escape of Asor the Lion!

Meet Asor the Lion

Meet Asor the Lion and learn about his remarkable visit to the church of St Michael in 1938. Would you like to find out more about Sittard-Geleen’s life stories? If so, visit Sittard-Geleen’s Visit Zuid-Limburg Experience (Rosmolenstraat 2, Sittard) and follow the historical time line.

Route of Curiosities

The Grensmaasvallei is home to countless buildings and locations with a colourful past. So what happens when the doors are shut? Do you just keep on cycling? Not with the Route of Curiosities! There are more than 30 locations along the route where it’s possible to take a 360° audiovisual tour and experience these curiosities from your own smartphone.

Living with the landscape

Sittard-Geleen is a popular destination for walking enthusiasts because of its abundance of woods, parks and gardens. Sittard-Geleen has much to offer cycling aficionados too. Here you can discover the extensive flood plains of the Meuse, interspersed by charming Limburg villages with historic attractions. Alternatively, take the foot-passenger ferry across the Meuse into Belgium from Grevenbicht. Get started! But remember, keep the countryside clean and tidy so that everyone else can enjoy it too. And don’t forget to take photos en route #visitsittardgeleen

Living with chemicals and technology

When the Maurits coalmine opened in Geleen in 1926, the number of inhabitants in the municipality mushroomed. The mine eventually closed in 1967 after which a chemical industry was established and Chemelot created. Nowadays, circular innovative products are manufactured at Chemelot and used across the world. No wonder that Sittard-Geleen wants to become the most circular town in the Netherlands. We are hard at work creating the innovation route so that everyone is able to come into contact with amazing circular products. Want to know more about what happens on the Chemelot site? Follow the virtual tour or book an appointment for a special guided tour.

Life as a game

Sittard-Geleen has a multifaceted culture. Not only is this expressed through its many ancient castles, monasteries, churches and mills, but reflected in equal measure by music, sport, film, theatre and other activities. And everyone knows that its citizens have a good sense of humour thanks to the town’s most famous son: clown and cabaret artist, Toon Hermans. Why not put your cultural knowledge of Sittard-Geleen to the test? Play the culture quiz in the Visit Zuid-Limburg Experience Sittard-Geleen (Rosmolenstraat 2)

A town of bon-vivants

Our ‘savoir vivre’ will embrace you in Sittard-Geleen. There’s always plenty to do. On the one hand, there are the smaller activities, for example, during a shopping spree in town, and then there are major national and international events, such the St Joep market, the Geleen Fair, the St Rosa festival and the Netherlands’ biggest autumn festival, Sittard’s Oktoberfeest. So grab your diary and start planning your next visit during one of the many activities and events taking place in Sittard-Geleen.